 | Naughty or nice
Dovedeste ca esti gazda ideala a unei petreceri creand cheaguri de 3 sau mai multe cadouri de acelasi tip. Dati click pentru a selecta un obiect central, si tine-l jos pentru a roti cadourile astfel incat un cheag de cadouri sa se creeze. Odata format ch
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 | ePhotoHunt - Spot the differences game
Can you spot what's different? Analyze two similar images and spot the differences before time�s up.
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 | Memory Game
This is the classic game of Simon Says.
Simon (the computer) will play a series of tones and light up the colored images. The player must then repeat what Simon did.
The game progresses by adding a new tone to the sequence every turn
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 | Spin the black circle
Un joc de indemanare si atentie. Nu lasati bila sa atingi focul sau tepi! Invartiti roata in asa fel incat bila sa intre in locul aratat.Testati-va indemnarea, rabdarea si atentia
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